Scanning eReceipts From Fetch Shop Orders

Scanning eReceipts From Fetch Shop Orders

Maximize your points by scanning in eligible eReceipts from Fetch Shop purchases!

Earn more points from Fetch Shop and eReceipts

Connect your email and online retailer accounts to the eReceipt feature to scan and earn points on eligible eReceipts from your Fetch Shop purchases.

Any items on the eReceipt that qualify for points from Boosts or offers will be awarded on the eReceipt!

Please note that scanning your eReceipt will not give you additional points for the Shop order itself - Shop points and eReceipt points are awarded separately.

To ensure your eReceipt is valid, it must come from a supported eReceipt retailer and be sent to an accepted email address.

Even if points from your Fetch Shop order are still pending, you’ll still receive points for eligible offers or Boosts on the eReceipt as soon as you scan it - no waiting required!

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