How to Correct Receipts and Get Missing Points

How to Correct Receipts and Get Missing Points

Notice a mistake on a recent receipt? You can get your missing points quickly by making corrections within three days of submission.

Follow these steps:

  1. Tap your Account tab, then select Points activity.
    1 - Tap point activity.png

  2. Find the receipt you want to correct in your point history, or tap the receipt icon. You can also search by submission date.
    2 - Tap on receipt to correct.png

  3. Tap the pencil icon in the top corner.
    Temp. RDv2.png

  4. Tap the item you'd like to correct. If the item was missed completely, tap Add Item.
    4 - Tap Item to Correct.png

  5. Scan the item's barcode for the most accurate corrections, or tap Find Product to search for it manually.
    5 - Scan Barcode.png

  6. Adjust the quantity and price if necessary, then tap Update details.
    6 - Update Details.png

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for all necessary corrections, then tap Submit changes.
    7 - Submit Corrections.png

We'll review your changes and award any missing points within 24 hours.

Please note: Eligible items must be listed on the receipt to earn credit. Non-itemized receipts can't be verified for purchase. 

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